Online Private Tutoring Teaching and Mentoring Worldwide.

Global access to online private tutoring, teaching, and mentoring is paramount in nurturing our students’ academic growth. Leveraging the expertise of the finest U.S. educators, Brainfood Academy offers a crucial platform for families seeking to propel their children’s homework assignments and overall learning experience. This virtual academy facilitates a seamless connection between parents and accomplished teachers, guaranteeing a comprehensive and well-rounded education. In an ever-evolving educational landscape, such resources are instrumental in shaping the future leaders of our world, making Brainfood Academy an indispensable asset for families worldwide.

What makes Brainfood Academy the right choice?

Indeed, at Brainfood Academy, we strive to reinvigorate education within the educational platform. As times change, it becomes apparent that our children receive indoctrination rather than genuine education. Teachers face constraints in teaching the subject matter as they are taught both the content and the instruction methods.

Online Private Tutoring Teaching and Mentoring Worldwide.

As a result, our students are losing their ability to think for themselves. This leads to adults who have no opinion or cannot decide independently. They lose their confidence in themselves. Also, some lose their dreams and aspirations. Due to this situation, Brainfood Academy was launched. But as with any educational system, students do not all learn at the same pace. Hence, the need for tutors. But, these tutors need to follow and believe in the same mission state as our Brainfood Academy.

Private tutoring offers the advantage of adaptable scheduling and a global reach.

Online Private Tutoring Teaching and Mentoring Worldwide, you can set your schedule. Our unique approach involves scheduling tutoring sessions based on your, as a teacher, time zone. As a result, you will always know when you are available. Moreover, the student selects your class or classes based on this time. Thus, it also ensures that learning syncs with the student’s local time. This creates a seamless and practical experience for both you and the student.

With your ability to set your schedule, you will not be limited in your abilities to teach. Meaning you can make as much or as little as you like. You can set your schedule weekly, monthly, or daily. It is really up to you. If you are a teacher looking for something different, this may be what you want.

Are you a professional with some teaching abilities or knowledge you want to share? Then here is something that you may also be interested in. Who knows, a student may need your exceptional understanding of a subject. Don’t let this opportunity pass you by. Reach the world in education with private tutoring here at Brainfood Academy and Tutoring Center.

Attractive Pay and The Potential to Earn More

 know that you all are waiting for…the payment. Well, let me tell you, it is very lucrative. Those participating in the private tutoring program here at Brainfood Academy will enjoy up to 50% of the session fee per student you tutor. With most classes starting between $50 to $70 per one-hour session, that looks pretty good. Then, you have the option to teach group sessions. With groups of up to 3-7 people, a group rate also seems pretty lucrative. Since groups are 2-hour sessions, you can earn unlimited income from tutoring.

A second way to earn income here at Brainfood Academy and Online Private Tutoring Teaching and Mentoring Worldwide. is through our referral program. As part of our program, you can refer both students and tutors. Because you are also a partner, you participate in our referral program. Now, you don’t have to if you prefer not to. But it is another way to generate income from something you love to do.

Do you know any educators or professionals who may want to do something like this? Well, invite them to listen in on our weekly Open House Calls Every Wednesday at 5:30 pm PST / 6:30 pm MST / 7:30 pm CST/ 8:30 pm EST/. There, they can hear both our teaching platform and our tutoring. Ask your questions about our program. Join us for an Open House and see what we are all about.

Do you have a strong enthusiasm for education and a willing desire to impart your knowledge to students worldwide? Online Private Tutoring Teaching and Mentoring Worldwide

Online Private Tutoring and Brainfood Academy allow you to teach worldwide. With our Tutoring Center offering help worldwide, you, as an instructor and tutor, can virtually teach the world. Go here to meet some of our excellent teachers.

From Language Arts to Technology, from Kindergarten to 12th grade, you can share education with the world. You may be just what a European student wants to help them understand introductory Algebra. Or you are that tutor to help them understand English composition. Finances become an open book to your neighbor’s child. All because you decided to share your knowledge in online private tutoring.

Then, look no further! Brainfood Academy is excited to extend an invitation to educators like you. We invite you to become part of our dynamic team of tutors and teachers. So, if you are looking for a new way to showcase your teaching expertise, Brainfood Academy and Online Private Tutoring Teaching and Mentoring Worldwide. may be your next permanent home. Read on to see what we have to offer.

It’s the Right Moment to Join Us and Make an Impact

Now, it’s your turn to choose. Are you ready to apply your knowledge and expertise to boost students’ confidence? Do you have the capacity to teach others what you know? Perhaps you possess the compassion and determination to assist children in overcoming subject-related challenges and helping them excel.

Now, some facts about starting with us. Because we are an independent Private Online School and Tutoring Center, teachers and tutors are partners with us. As a result, you are an independent contractor. Due to this, we ask that you help with some of the cost associated. Mostly, just your back office. Your back office is where your pay will be housed along with your student base. It is also where your curriculums and schedule will be. Since we don’t get funding outside our student registration fees, this will also help keep those costs down.

You have your initial setup fee. Then, a monthly cost of $59.95. So, with that in mind, if you want to continue with our program, please read on.

If I have picked your interest at any time, contact me, and let’s set up an appointment to talk. I bet you are exactly what we are looking for. Who knows, we may be precisely what you are looking for. You will never know unless you get all the information you need to make an educated decision.

So, let’s chat. If you know you are ready to start, fill out this resume, and our team will contact you.

Welcome back to our website, the hub for enhancing your life in education, employment, well-being, and smart financial choices. We aim to secure a brighter future for your children through top-notch education. Feel free to contact us anytime with your queries; we’re delighted to provide answers and support your journey.